Welcome to Halton Parent Portal
School Admissions
Application to Primary and Secondary School 2025
If you live in Halton you can now apply for the following September 2025 admissions
• Secondary School - the closing date was 31st October 2024. You will no longer be able to apply online.
• Reception/Primary School – the closing date was 15th January 2025. You will no longer be able to apply online.
Please contact schooladmissions@halton.gov.uk for a Late Application form or visit Halton Direct Link.
Please ensure that you have read and understood the relevant Admission to School Booklets:
Admission to Primary School 2025
Admission to Secondary School 2025
If you live outside of Halton you need to apply through your home local authority.
Please note , if your child moves house after you have submitted the application, you must email us for advice and to inform us of the new address.
You can also check out the information on our School Admissions Webpage for further assistance.
Once admissions deadlines have closed late applications can only be submitted via a paper application form
Email: schooladmissions@halton.gov.uk
Address: School Admissions, PO Box 317, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 9BZ
Phone: 0151 511 7271/8601
Please note: The School Admissions Team are only available during normal business hours, Monday to Friday and experience a high number of queries during this time. We will respond to your query as soon as possible, but not always on the same day.
Free School Meals
Your child may be entitled to free school meals or a universal infant free school meal.If you have already registered click Login to make an online application, or click Register to create an account and apply.
Phone: 0151 511 7188
Email: RutlandHouseSharedAdminTeam@halton.gov.uk
You will be asked to provide some personal information (such as name, address) in order to fulfil your request.
The information you provide will be held securely in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
The data we are collecting is necessary to provide this service. We will also share your details with the Department for Education who provide eligibility information for this service.
Further information can be found in our Privacy Notices.